Vancouver Formosa Academy
5621 Killarney Street
Vancouver, BC, Canada
V5R 3W4
- E-mail:
- Phone: 604.436.2332
- Fax: 604.436.2331
In the event of persistently poor or totally unacceptable behavior, the instructor, along with the administration, will issue a student Disciplinary Notice (Blue Slip) to the student. After a notice is given, the student will be required to meet with the principal to discuss the problem and work out a plan for solution. The student, parents and guardian will also be sent copies of the Disciplinary Warning.
Three written student Disciplinary Notices (Blue Slips) will result in permanent suspension from Vancouver Formosa Academy. The school also reserves the right to immediately expel a student for totally unacceptable, illegal or violent behaviour.
For safety reasons, Vancouver Formosa Academy students are not permitted to drive to school.
Students may not phone the school themselves if they are absent. An adult must phone.
Students must have a good reason for being absent. In some cases, a doctor’s letter may be required.
A Disciplinary Warning (blue Slip) may be issued after 3 unexcused absences. These letters will also be sent to their parents and guardians.
Students who are late must get a late slip from the Secretary at the office. They must write their name, time, and reason for being late.
Late students must knock on their classroom door and ask for permission before entering. No late student will be allowed into the classroom without a late slip. A student who misses more than 30 minutes of one class will be considered absent.
All students are required to live at all times with a parent, guardian, homestay parent or other responsible adult over 25 years of age and approved by the school administration. According to Canadian Immigration Regulations, all international students under 18 years of age require an adult “Custodian” who is responsible for this student in Vancouver.
Vancouver Formosa Academy
5621 Killarney Street
Vancouver, BC, Canada
V5R 3W4