Vancouver Formosa Academy
5621 Killarney Street
Vancouver, BC, Canada
V5R 3W4
- E-mail:
- Phone: 604.436.2332
- Fax: 604.436.2331
All fees are in Canadian dollars. Payments can be made by:
New Cash Payment Regulations from January 1, 2021
Following British Columbia Ministry of Education Guidelines, the following policy regarding tuition cash payment will be in effect from January 1, 2021.
New Cash Payment Rules
A maximum of $5000 cash may be paid to the school in one 24 hour period. When paying over $3000 cash, the rules below will apply:
1.The following information will be collected from the person paying:
2.The following information about the bank where cash was withdrawn must be provided
Vancouver Formosa Academy
5621 Killarney Street
Vancouver, BC, Canada
V5R 3W4